Simon describes himself 'not' as an athlete, even though he has finished one of the toughest ultra running race series there is, Beyond the Ultimate! Simon ran in freezing temperatures of the arctic circle, extreme humidity of the Amazon jungle, before a career first DNF in the blazing heat of the Namibian desert. Simon tell's us what the motivation was to go back into the desert, and finish this incredible series of ultras, between running a business and being a father. From training in a heat chamber, to drinking can after can of coke. When I first heard his story I thought it was one that had to be shared, and I'm pleased he agreed to share it on my insta live. Below are a couple of links to films made about two of the three races, I hope you enjoy them. If you want to catch up with Simon, check him out on instagram under the handle of @sandfordavies
Desert Ultra - https://youtu.be/C6CtZvUeHHE
Ice Ultra - https://youtu.be/7H2AsHSa13U
If you would like to take part in his Rainbows 5km run, check out the link below. Simon has raised over £50k for this children's charity.